Asphalt Products

New York Products
Agency Mix Application
NYDDC Type 3RA Binder
6F RA Surrface
Base Coarse 3" - 6"
Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
NY Parks Type 3 Binder Base Coarse 3" - 6"
SCA 6F Surface
7F Surface
Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
Surface Coarse up to 1 - 1/2"
NYCDOT 6FHD Surface Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
NYSDOT 37.5m
Base Coarse New Construction 6"
4" - 6"
3" - 6"
2" - 4"
2" - 4"

New Jersey Products
Marshall Mixes* Superpave* Application
I-2 19m 64 Base Coarse 3" - 6"
I-3 19m 64 2nd Leveling Coarse 2" - 5"
I-4 12.5m 64 or 76 Heavy Duty Surface Coarse
Truck and Equipment 2"- 4"
I-4 HD 12.5m 64 or 76 Heavy Duty Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
I-5 HD 12.5m 64 or 76 Heavy Duty Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
I-5 9.5m 64 Surface Coarse 2" - 4"
Roadways, Parking Lots & Driveways
I-6 4.75m 64 Skin up to 1"

*These are closest substitutions between Marshall Mix Designs and Superpave Mixes available.



Current price of liquid that goes in Asphalt:

Effective Date: July
Current Price Index: $584.00

Asphalt Cement and Fuel Price Index


Click Here to use one of our calculators to determine your needs.

Hot Mix/Asphalt



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