How should I care for my new driveway in the first 6 – 12 months?

What should I avoid to help preserve my new driveway?

Why do some areas look different than others?

What liquids may be harmful to my new driveway?

How does the weather affect my new driveway?


 New Driveway Care

How should I care for my new driveway in the first 6 – 12 months?

Asphalt in a blacktop driveway requires time to harden and cure, for the first 6 – 12 months your driveway will be soft and malleable. Walking on the driveway immediately is okay but cars should be kept off for no less than three days and even longer in hotter temperatures. It is advisable during this timeframe not to park your car in the same spot every day or to move your steering wheel from side to side when the car in not moving.

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Driveway Preservation

What should I avoid to help preserve my new driveway?

  • Blacktop is easily damaged from automobiles starting or stopping too quickly.

  • Avoid parking heavy vehicles which can create depressions.

  • When using a jack or car ramp or storing a camper, use a piece of plywood to spread out the weight.

  • Items with points can create holes in blacktop such as kickstands, high heels and lawn chairs.

  • Avoid driving on the edges of the blacktop; this is the weakest part which can easily crumble or crack.

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Area's Looking Different

Why do some areas look different than others?

Because the composition of blacktop is made up of different size stones, liquid asphalt, sand and other ingredients, some areas may look smoother than others. There will also be a difference in a raked area as compared to one spread my machine.

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Harmful Liquids

What liquids may be harmful to my new driveway?

Many automobile related liquids such as transmission fluid, gasoline, antifreeze and power steering fluid can be harmful to blacktop. Contact with your driveway from these liquids can cause the liquid asphalt to dilute leaving holes. Use cold patch to repair any holes left by a spill.

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Weather Effects

How does the weather affect my new driveway?

Your driveway can develop hairline cracks in cold weather due to the expansion and contraction of the ground. These cracks should be fixed with crack filler. In hotter weather, the blacktop can soften, to cool down the driveway we recommend watering it down with a hose. Due to the natural slope of the driveway, you may see small puddles when watering down the surface, although efforts are made to avoid this, it is sometimes inevitable.

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Current price of liquid that goes in Asphalt:

Effective Date: mid-March
Current Price Index: $577.00

Asphalt Cement and Fuel Price Index


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