Sand & Stone - Winter Mix - Material Safety Data Sheets

Sand & Stone


With our customers in mind, Newark Asphalt Corp. stocks the following commonly required materials:

  • Natural Sand
  • Stone Sand
  • Stone Screenings
  • 1/4" Stone
  • 3/8" Stone
  • 3/4" Stone
  • 3/4" Quary Process

All materials are approved by the State of New Jersey and New York.

By offering these products locally, our customers can benefit by substantially cutting costs associated with traveling to distant quarries.

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Winter Mix


Newark Asphalt stockpiles winter mix/cold patch all year. Our unique blend of materials to manufacture winter mix meets an I-5 specification and should be used in areas in excess of 2" deep.

This material is widely used by general contractors, municipalities, utility companies and home owners. Our winter mix is generally used for temporary purposes on trenches, pot holes and curb repairs.

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 Material Safety Data Sheet


Asphalt Cement-All Grades

Release Agent



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Current price of liquid that goes in Asphalt:

Effective Date: July
Current Price Index: $584.00

Asphalt Cement and Fuel Price Index


Click Here to use one of our calculators to determine your needs.

Hot Mix/Asphalt



Newark Asphalt Corp. is committed to providing our customers with quality and service.

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© 2024 Newark Asphalt Corp.      tel. (973) 482-3503